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An interview with A Psychic's Story about my spiritual awakening and becoming drawn to mediumship and connecting with my husband and daughter on the other side.

Interview with Valeria Teles on her podcast, Fit for Joy, Anitra discusses her book, Embracing Life From Death, opening up further in depth conversations behind her written words.

Healing Grief With Art & Spiritual Truth

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Not one of us ever finishes what we are here for until we leave and so therefore why not make it the best life rather waste each day out of resentment, anger, or grief. I have fought life so hard since Dean’s diagnosis. I could not let go of the happiness I had and I did not want to accept the changes from losing a husband and daughter.

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Anitra and Valeria open up further dialogue on the meaning of life, terminal illness and life after death. They discuss what defines grief and healing.

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